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& Events

Co-Movement is kicking off the New Year with a tradition that held strong for many years, and was an absolute blast. In 2024 it is returning. Our monthly fitness challenges. These challenges are designed to give everyone a task to focus on, build community and push yourself to new limits. There is a new expo board hanging at the gym, feel free to keep your updated score on the board. We will announce our monthly winners at the end of each month. While some challenges may or may not favor your strong suits, I highly recommend giving them all a shot.

January 2024:

Challenge: Complete a maximum number of steps over the course of the month. Sounds simple but the real question is how far can you walk and/or run? We are not tracking mileage; we are counting steps, which means you need to keep track by using your watch or phone. (no guessing). Highest number of steps at the end of the month wins. 


       Nutrition Seminar Date: Saturday 1/13 10:00-11:00 AM
       Investment: $25 (includes $7 Easy Fit Challenge download)
       Sign up
       Easy Fit Challenge Information: 
        Products | Co-Movement Gym (Do not purchase, this is included in your seminar fee)

February 2024:



- Participants will hang on a bar or rings for a maximum amount of time. Alternating hands is not acceptable.

- Score = total time 


                Topic: Meal Planning with Recipes and Navigating the Grocery Store with Trainer Liz Neidhart 

                Date: Saturday Feb 17th 10:00

                Investment: $25

                Sign Up

March 2024:


Air squat hold for max time: Participants must drop to the bottom of an air squat and hold that position, keeping feet flat on the floor. 

Score = Time

Maximum score = 10 minutes


              Topic: Hacking Your Sleep with Josh Lewis

              Date: 3/16 10:00

              Investment: $25

              Sign Up: 

April 2024:

5 minutes of Jump Rope
Score = Repetitions completed 
You can jump any way you prefer, two feet, skip, run, double under etc.... Good luck! 

Event: None 

May 2024:

Challenge: Satan's Tricycle
Participants will ride the Echo bike for 1 minute.
All rides must start from a dead stop.
Max distance wins. Good luck!

Event: None

June 2024:

Challenge: Grip and Rip 

Participants will hold onto a pair of dumbbells for max time. 
-You do not need to move.
- You cannot tilt the db's, your trainer will watch for this, they must remain level. 
- If you drop a db and break your toe, you are disqualified. 

Female: 35lb DB's with Fat Gripz (metal weights not rubber) 
Male: 60lb DB's with Fat Gripz (metal weights not rubber)

Max time wins. Good luck!

Event: None

July 2024:

Challenge: Unbroken

Jump Rope Repetitions 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5

-- This is a repetition pyramid 
--You must stop (briefly) between ALL sets (complete 5 reps, stop, 10, stop etc)
--All sets MUST BE UNBROKEN, if you make a mistake, you start that particular set over and complete it unbroken, before proceeding to the next. 

--Score = Time

--Fastest time wins

Good luck! 



Event: None


August 2024:


Challenge: Walk the Plank

Participants will balance on the rail for maximum time, unassisted.

- You can stand in place with one foot or two feet on the rail, you can walk, turn, squat, twist, do backflips (disclaimer, joking)
- You cannot use a PVC pipe, the wall, your coach or touch the ground throughout the set.
- If this challenge is too difficult at first, work up to it throughout the month and give it your best shot the last week of the month.
- Stop at 15 minutes (maximum time)
- Socks or no socks, your choice.

--Score = Longest time on the rail
--Longest time wins

Good luck!


Event: None


September 2024:



Maximum unanchored sit-ups in 2 minutes:
Demo Video 

--Your shoulder blades must touch the floor each rep
--You must touch the floor with your hands between both feet at the top of each rep
--Hands do not have to be locked behind your head, feel free to use them for momentum  
--Feet/heels MUST remain in contact with the floor the entire 2 minutes

Maximum reps win, good luck!!


2024 Brookfield Classic Trail Race 9/14

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