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Move and Live Courageously

Good morning!

Almost 3 years ago on a snowy and cold March 1st day in 2018 we opened the doors to our brand new training facility in Oriskany Falls N.Y. I remember the tractor trailer from U.P.S. backing right up to the front door dropping off all the brand new equipment. Prior to jumping into this big move there were conversations with so many of you about if we should build a new gym or stay where we currently were. (Knoxboro Rd.) When I originally built Garage Gym in 2010 I never would have imagined having the number of clients train there as we did, after all it was just a 900 sq. foot garage. We had cars parked down the driveway to the road and windows open in the winter due to the amount of heat coming off everyone's body. I had a choice to make, either play it safe and stay where we were and go big; buy new land, hire a contractor, design a new gym, and rebrand. I spent nights worrying over if making the leap would be worth it. All I can say is it was and I thank all of you for that. Whether you are a current client, former client or a supporter of what we do: Inspire people to move and live courageously, thank you. Fast forward 18 months later we took another big leap initiated and led by Erin Glazier, owner of Head Over Heels Athletics. She proposed us expanding our facility to include her amazing business and following of kids who wanted to tumble and participate in recreational cheerleading. I spent a few months debating if I needed to add yet another project to the mix, but it felt right and much needed. The opportunity to bring Erin in to lead her tribe and local community to greater levels of health has been and will continue to be a huge pleasure.

There are many people pondering big changes in their life right now. Should I move? Should I change jobs? Should I start a new inspiring hobby? Should I up-level my peer group? Should I focus more on what is truly important to me? Should I start my own business?

If the answer is coming from your heart and not a short sited, emotional response, then yes. Fear is normal but so is the ability to talk ourselves into playing it safe our entire lives. I remember an activity I read in one of Tim Ferris's books, where he had you write down an action you are considering taking and then list the absolute worse thing that could happen followed by the best outcome. I've done this many times and can say the absolute worse is never as bad as you imagine but the best outcome is life changing.

Strive for health, happiness and freedom,


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