Co-Movement Level 1 Trainers Course
Personal Trainers
Crossfit Coaches
Movement Coaches
Yoga Instructors
Fitness Facility Owners
$30 billion health and fitness industry
Growing by at least 3 - 4% annually for the last ten years
- Health education is taking center stage in this "New World"
12 weeks
Online Live Lectures
Weekly Homework
HQ support
Course Worksheets
One on One Sessions
Longer client retention
Increased revenue
Increased Referrals
Professional results for your clients
Differentiate yourself
Why do the majority of clients fail or see little progress working with a coach?
Why do the majority of clients quit working with a coach only after 3 months?
The internet is loaded with thousands of exercise "how to" videos but only top-notch coaches are discussing how to take those exercises, and program EFFECTIVE workouts for clients, keep clients retained and improving for years on end.
If it was as easy as searching YouTube and putting exercises on paper, then no one would hire a coach.
Professional coaches should have the skill set to:
Properly assess a client
Design a program centered on their clients' goals and personal values
Build/sustain an amazing community of loyal clients through proper communication skills and structured expectations.
Course topics such as:
Designing a Co-Movement Pool
Exercise Progressions based on Co-Movements methodology
How to program "wods" that are designed specifically for YOUR client
Why improperly prescribed aerobic training makes you fat
Programming for Athletes versus Weekend Warriors versus Beginners
Moving Courageously: our effective approach to prescribing, reps, tempo, sets, rest and frequency
Living Courageously: our unique approach to lifestyle design
Building client trust, rapport and long-term relationships

Module 1
Programming effective workouts is a science. Gone are the days of picking workouts out of a hat. Learn how to correctly program workouts for clients that support their highest values, improve client retention, promote longevity and are centered on client success.
Program includes: Five 60 minute 1-1 online live lectures with weekly homework
Email support
Digital course worksheets
Module 2
85% of your success as a coach comes from proper communication and human interaction skills. Blend this with a modern approach to movement philosophy and you have a potent course that will lead to more referrals, testimonials, happier clients and a business that grows consistently year after year.
Program includes: Three 60 minutes 1-1 online live lectures with weekly homework
Email support
Digital course worksheets

Module 3
Day in and day out clients follow a workout plan, 5 days a week 60 minute sessions but see little to no results. Why? Without a proper lifestyle plan that aligns with personal values, your clients time spent at the gym is nothing more than aiming at a target with their eyes closed. Learn how to effectively prescribe and coach clients on sustainable lifestyle habits and practices that produce long term results and satisfied clients.
Program includes: Three 60 minute 1-1 online live lectures with weekly homework
Email support
Digital course worksheets

Andreas, Owner MoveMeant
Every good coach has their own coach!
I'm proud to be entering my 6th month under the guidance of movement extraordinaire, and power entrepreneur Josh Lewis!

Pete, Owner Lombardi
Co-Movement is on the right track of congruency with what the human body requires to express health. The world wants this now more than ever.

John, Owner Mohawk Valley Wellness
With the growing interest and education in movement based programs working with Co-Movement was an easy choice to help grow our business.

Sean, Owner, Body of Work Boston
"I’ve had the pleasure of working with Josh through the Co-Movement remote individual design service. Not only has Josh impressed me with his programming intelligence, but his intrapersonal coaching skill. I highly recommend Co-Movement to anyone looking to improve their physicality and beyond.”

Rob, Owner, Fit 2 Fly Calgary
Watching Josh’s coaching and his own progress made me question where general movement fit into it all. After talking with Josh I decided that the route he was offering fit my perfectly with my goals.

Tammy, Trainer, Fitness and Sport Evolution, Hood River Oregon
I am able to utilize Co-Movements methodology with EVERY one of my clients.
I applied for a coaching position in Oregon and during my interview I shared some of what I had learned from Co-Movement and was offered a position at a fitness center on the spot! I utilize the methods everyday, and my clients have shown real successes.